alexis boissonnat.



Oh, here we are… ReactJS is probably the best thing I ever seen in the javascript landscape since a long time !

I am far away from expert, but I deeply adhere to the concepts behind this framework. I keep in touch that’s for sure.


Oct 2014 - Now
EcoDistricts evaluation campaign

France has been choosen to welcome the next 2015 climat conference.

One objective of this conference will be to show the positive impact of energy efficency wihtin a neighbourhood. In order to achieve this goal, the CSTB has developed a complete methodology allowing the EcoDistrict evaluation. A web application has been developed in order to hide the methodology’s complexity and favor its adoption by local collectivities.

I was in charge of the development team. We have constantly focused our energy on improving the user experience. With agility, we developed the application in parallel to the methodoly definition to help experts work on concrete cases. ‘Keep it simple’ and ‘Don’t repeat yourself’ were our key success factors to be able to refactor everywhere anytime.


Some references about our work and the methodology:


Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Javascript, JQuery, ReactJS, SASS, Bootstrap, Git, Bamboo, Capistrano, GitLab, Trello